Providing support for email, hosting and privacy services for our members

Free encrypted email providers

Free encrypted email providers, all of our members are strong supporters of email encryption. And since the lack of good providers that offer reliable easy to use PGP(GnuPG) email encryption services we started our own community funded service.

We do not setup accounts directly from this website for the domain, sub-domains of or any other domain hosted by ‘us’.

We are a member based not for profit service.  In order to use any of our services you have to contact one of our members and have them setup an account for you.

free encrypted email providers

free encrypted email providers

  • email encryption by Stichting Lucifer ( and custom sub-domains and own domains)
  • pgp email encryption by Stichting Humanity4all ( and custom sub-domains and own domains)
  • gratis forums administrator privacy shield by gratisforums ( sub-domain)
  • nl forum administrator privacy shield by nlforum ( sub-domain)
  • hell privacy shield by ( custom sub-domain)

Our members may offer paid and/or free donation based services. If you like to use our services and you are able to donate even a small amount once in a while please do. Donations help us to keep things working smooth for you and the members within the Privacy4all community.

More information about PGP email encryption offered by Privacy4all can be found on our site. Unlike a lot of other so called privacy providers we do not make promises we can’t keep. We only offer better than normal security to people using services through of one of our members. We are not planning to become the next protonmail or gmail. It would be nice to dream about this but we would need a substantial amount of finances and a full time system administrator and helpdesk team, currently we work 100% with volunteers.

Let’s keep our mail private!